We can be Heroes

sfs heros

The prompt for this week’s Single Frame Story is “hero.”  I knew immediately the subject for my photo.   Along with being my very dear wonderful friend, Dale has always also been my hero in many ways.   When I shared this with him, it came as something of a surprise…because Dale is also very humble.  But his reaction caused me to realize the impact we all stand to make on others without even realizing it.  A smile or a friendly joke in a moment of unexpressed need could be the companionship that saves someone from feeling completely alone.  An open mind and heart coupled with open supportive listening could be a lifeline, a strong hand reaching out to pull someone out of the darkness and into the light.

The core of a hero is their heart.  Their ability to care about an idea, about a community, about others.  They make it look easy, in all their humanity and in the face of their own needs or in the face of “one of those days” when things are challenging for everyone including them.    Yet their ability to care never falters.  They take the high road.  They provide a great example, one that encourages not only a celebration of the heroes among us but also a nurturing of the hero within us.

We can be heroes.  Every day.

Published by Michele Hyacinth

A child in the wild blue yonder...full blooded woman with the power just to be. ~ John Haitt

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